Monday, March 24, 2008

At Least Schizophrenics Aren't Lonely

One thing that I have really enjoyed about getting off sleep-aids is all of the reading I have been able to get done! Two weeks ago I had four books on my nightstand (since I don't actually have a nightstand, they rest on my keyboard at the foot of my bed). Today, I have one book and that's not counting D&C which is a sleep-aid in and of itself. So, scratch Preparation Precedes Power, Eats, Shoots and Leaves, and The Best American Short Stories 2005 off my to read list. Right now I'm working on Flash Fiction Forward. It is fantastic. First off, check out this wicked cool cover.
Anyway, last night I read a few stories before I finally fell asleep. One of them was a story called "The Voices in My Head" by Jack Handey. You know, Jack Handey the guy who did Deep Thoughts on SNL? Anyway, it's a clever story that talks about the voices in our heads that get us to do things. It sounds ludicrous at first. I mean, come on. Is this guy really trying to tell us that we are all schizophrenics? But, read it and look into it a bit more. Don't we have those voices in our heads that tell us that we need to get our umbrella because it might rain even though the forecast says we're still in a three year drought? There are a few lines in it that I'd like to quote that I feel have some poignant application to my own life.

"Even worse, sometimes the voices themselves don't know what they want. They'll tell me to go up and talk to a pretty woman, then they'll say, 'No, wait, she's too pretty for you,' then they'll say, 'Oh, go ahead'... (Man, make up your mind!)"

I bet every guy has had that voice go through his head.

Or maybe I'm every guy

See ya later hot potater,

1 comment:

EmilyCC said...

Welcome to the blogging world, Tio Tomas (shoot, I don't know how to do accent marks in html)!

You want to know another good sleep aid? Truman Madsen's lectures on Joseph Smith. The material wasn't boring, but Brother Madsen has the most soothing voice on the tapes we own.